Restrictive Zones
Hace poco tuve la oportunidad de asistir al seminario de Lou Tice, Inversión en Excelencia. Fue una experiencia rica en información para mi desarrollo personal y profesional, además de conocer a personas que hicieron del seminario una agradable experiencia.
Muchas Gracias a Ricardo Rossal, Karen Anleu, Vicky Mendizabal y a todas las personas que integran Fondo Unido y The Pacific Institute por la oportunidad de asistir.
Por cierto, dentro de poco va haber un seminario de Lou Tice para jóvenes. Se los recomiendo para sus hijos, familiares y amigos. Para más información me pueden enviar un mensaje a:
A continuación comparto con ustedes un mensaje de Lou. Estoy seguro que varios se van a indentificar con el, o por lo menos conocen a alguien que es así.
Un fuerte abrazo y feliz fin de semana.
Restrictive Zones
How often do you find yourself feeling irritated by things that other people do? If it is all the time or even every day, you will want to pay attention to what we are going to talk about today.
People who are easily irritated usually blame others for it. But to find the cause - and notice I did not say blame - they need to look inside themselves and not at those around them. Now, irritability can have many causes, but one of the most common causes is too many restrictive zones. In other words, too many rigid ideas and rules about right and wrong behavior.
Restricted people believe there is a right way to squeeze the toothpaste tube, a right way to put the dishes in the dishwasher, a right way to do just about everything. They even have all kinds of so-called facts to back them up.
Now, it is not enough that these folks feel compelled to follow these very restrictive and unnecessary rules. They have the same compulsion about other people too. Sometimes others will go along to keep the peace. But often, they will consciously or unconsciously break these needless rules just to drive the compulsive folks crazy.
It is important to become aware of the self-imposed rules we live by and get rid of those that keep us rigidly confined for no important purpose. It is also important that we refrain from imposing our personal standards on others. Why spend your days stressed-out and irritated, wondering why your relationships don't work? Relax! Loosen up! Let go a little! I guarantee you, everyone will feel better for it.
Lou Tice
The Pacific Institute
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